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Sports Massage Therapy at Physical Edge

Expert massage therapists to help you enhance comfort and performance

Sports Massage, Mayfair, CENTRAL London

A sports massage manipulates the layers of soft tissue throughout your body - easing muscle pain, aiding recovery, and helping to prevent future injuries or discomfort.

Although the name would make you believe a sports massage is exclusively for the kind of sports injuries that athletes pick up, this couldn't be further from the truth. Sports and deep tissue massage therapy offer relief from all the stresses and strains we put our bodies through.

As well as working out, those stresses include sitting at a desk all day, spending too much time on your feet, carrying a bag every day, sleeping awkwardly - and much, much more.

At Physical Edge, our expert sports massage therapists work quickly and precisely to reduce muscle soreness to transform the way you feel. Sports massage can offer impressive relief quickly - but the best results come when you make massage part of your routine. When you come for a consultation, we'll talk to you about the best way forward.



Sports massage for back pain

Studies often show that deep tissue and sports massage can be as - and often more - effective at reducing back pain than medication.

At Physical Edge, we understand back pain. Whether it's a posture issue, an occupational problem, sports-related injuries, or even the result of a trauma like a road traffic accident; we can use a series of techniques specifically for the back.

Sports massage techniques are designed to target and reduce tension in the muscles and soft tissue that are causing your back pain. Often, this means you'll feel an immediate reduction in your pain.

Sports massage for neck pain and shoulder pain

Neck and shoulder pain can severely debilitating - often making simple everyday tasks impossible.

The Physical Edge sports massage team have specific trigger point techniques that we know can reduce pain almost instantly if shoulder or neck pain is holding you back.

What's more, we'll make sure we walk you through a series of muscle energy techniques - stretches where you contract and relax problem muscles to get relief if neck pain comes on suddenly between your sessions.

Sports massage to treat a sports injury

If you play sports and you're suffering with a specific injury, our team has the elite-level knowledge and experience required to get you back in action as quickly as possible.

Common injuries we provide soft tissue therapy and deep friction massage for include:

  • Tendonitis

  • Tennis elbow

  • Hamstring pulls and tears

  • 'Runner's knee'

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

The point of your pain isn't always where the issue lies - so we'll use a range of techniques to work with your muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia to make sure any potential issues are dealt with and you're less susceptible to injury going forward.

Sports massage for chronic pain & Workplace discomfort

If you're considering a sports massage for ongoing, chronic pain, we urge you to get in touch and discuss what's possible.

Often the kind of chronic pain you're experiencing is simply because your body has not had the right conditions to heal in the way it should. Sports massage increases blood flow to the problem areas and will help to relax overly-tense, sore muscles - sometimes in ways that have not been felt in weeks, months or even years.

As well as treating your condition, we'll also help you to understand why the pain has occurred - and help you put together a plan that will help you stay pain free going forward.



Exceptional therapists, outstanding setting

It's sometimes hard to know exactly what kind of experience you'll get when you book a sports therapy massage. Some therapists share a working space, others work from their own homes - and the standard of facilities varies enormously.

At Physical Edge, you can expect the very best. Immaculate private therapy space in an easy-to-access Central London location.

We strive to make sure the service and attention you'll receive is second-to-none - the same as our standards and equipment. What's more, every massage therapist is accredited to the highest standard and carries the appropriate professional insurance cover - for absolute peace of mind.

Do you need a regular sports massage or a deep tissue massage?

There are differences between sports massages and deep tissue massage therapy - but if you're suffering with an injury or aches and pains, we'd encourage you not to worry too much about deciding which one you need.

Instead, focus on finding an exceptional therapist.

When you do, you'll be working with an experienced professional who understands what you're putting your body through and which techniques will put those problems right.

If you need focused sports massage therapy for a specific issue, your Physical Edge therapist will walk you through exactly what they have in mind. Alternatively, if the more general pain relief that a deep tissue massage offers is what you need, your therapist will explore this with you.

There's no one-size-fits-all when it comes to your body and your lifestyle. Our world-class therapists will find a solution and a series of techniques that are exactly right for you.

A wrap-around, holistic approach to recovery and performance

There are lots of great sports massage services in London - but very few can offer the same holistic approach to dealing with pain and discomfort that you'll receive here at Physical Edge.

Sports massage is just one of the therapeutic services we offer. We also have physiotherapy services, osteopathy, and a wide-range of gym-based injury rehabilitation approaches.

For you, this means nothing will stand in the way of your recovery journey. If you've paid for a number of sports massage sessions and your therapist thinks that physio might be the next positive step for you - you're welcome to switch your sessions - zero hassle.

Of course, we'll only make recommendations - the choice is yours. But, if you do decide to explore different approaches to dealing with your injury or discomfort, you'll be working with one exceptional team who can communicate and coordinate in seconds.



What happens at a Physical Edge sports massage consultation?

When you get in touch to book your first sports massage appointment, we'll start by finding a time that works around your schedule. We work before, during, and after standard work day times - and if that doesn't work for you, we can arrange a weekend appointment.

When you arrive, your consultation will take place in our comfortable treatment room. You'll have the opportunity to discuss your issue with one of our expert therapists and, in turn, they'll ask some questions and discuss their thoughts about the kind of sports massage techniques they think will be most effective.

Ordinarily, a treatment plan will involve a series of sessions - but we'll talk to you when you're here about if that's appropriate. We'll also explain how you can book these in advance - and the discounts available when you do.

We'll be able to start your sports massage during your consultation - so it's a good idea to come in loose, comfortable sports clothing. Don't worry if you've come straight from work - you're welcome to use our private changing area.


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