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Treatment for Knee Pain at Physical Edge

Dedicated treatment, support, and rehabilitation for knee pain and knee joint issues

Knee Pain Treatment: London

The knee joint is one of the most hardworking in the body. As well as supporting you for many hours every day, knees are the body's shock-absorbers and can regularly be exposed to forces between three to nine times your bodyweight.

As such, knee pain can come on quickly and be incredibly debilitating.

Whether you've got a slight strain that's stopping you from getting comfortable, sports-related knee issues - or you're recovering from major knee surgery - our multi-disciplinary team of accredited professionals are here to help get you back to full strength.



Physiotherapy for knee problems

Physiotherapy is a manual therapy designed to restore the full range of movement in your knees and associated problem areas. Today, physiotherapy sessions are the starting point for virtually all sharp pain in the knee - helping to gently restore function and minimise discomfort.

Our client-focused approach to physio for knee pain means your unique circumstances will always be at the forefront of what we do.

Careful assessment of your knee problems means we can create treatment plans for a huge range of conditions - from anterior knee pain that's a result of a sports injury - right through to post-operative support following a knee replacement or easing the symptoms of knee arthritis.


Osteopathy involves careful manipulation and movement of the joints that contribute to knee pain.

With expert knowledge of the musculoskeletal framework and a combination of touch, physical manipulation, stretching, and massage, osteopathy can significantly improve your recovery time and restore the structural balance you need for strong knees and avoiding injury into the future.

As well as having experience at the very highest level - working alongside sports medicine doctors, our osteopath is is registered with both the General Osteopathic Council and The British Osteopathic Association.


Often, knee injuries are an indication that you have tight muscles or inflammation elsewhere through your body. In fact, it's not uncommon for knee issues to be an indication that you have tight muscles through your back or hips.

Dedicated sports and deep tissue massage can help reduce tension - either directly around the knee or in other areas that are contributing to your injury. Specialist techniques are used to manipulate with your muscles, ligaments, tendons and fascia to make sure any potential issues are dealt with entirely.

Sports massage increases blood flow to the problem areas and will help to relax overly-tense, sore muscles - sometimes in ways that have not been felt in weeks, months or even years.



Outstanding London knee clinic facilities

When you search for a London-based knee pain specialist, it's often hard to know whether you're going to be going to a major hospital treatment centre or visiting an independent specialist working from their own home.

At Physical Edge, this uncertainty is completely removed.

Our central London knee clinic is less than 2 minutes from Oxford Street - and when you arrive, you'll find an immaculately presented, highly-professional private treatment space with a friendly staff team.

Experienced and accredited knee specialists

If you're looking for specialist treatment for a knee injury, there are very few clinics here in London that have our depth of knowledge, our years of experience, and the same world-class multi-disciplinary team.

Our team includes:

  • Physiotherapists

  • Osteopaths

  • Sports massage and deep tissue massage therapists

  • Running coaches

  • Pilates specialists

  • Strength and conditioning coaches

What's more, every member of our team carries industry accreditation and dedicated insurance - for absolute peace of mind.

Your level of fitness or activity doesn't matter

Whether you spend all day sitting at a desk or are an elite athlete training from morning to night, you'll get the same level of outstanding focus and service from our team.

Knee issues can occur for an almost endless number of reasons. Perhaps you've picked up an injury or tear on the football pitch; maybe you've been involved in a road traffic accident; or, maybe you've just stepped awkwardly getting off public transport.

Our approach to diagnosis and treatment will be the same however your issue has come about and whatever your level of daily activity is.



What will your knee pain consultation at Physical Edge involve?

It's doesn't matter whether we're dealing with private patients or referrals from medical insurance companies, our client-focused approach to your first session with us is always the same.

We'll start by working around your diary. We have appointments available before, during, and after working hours - as well as weekend appointment times. We can often even arrange same day knee consultations.

When you arrive with us, your consultation will take place in a comfortable treatment room. We'll talk about your issue then discuss a plan that we think will take you towards being pain free.

We'll usually be able to begin your knee pain treatment during your first session - so it's useful if you can come in some comfortable, loose-fitting sports clothing. Don't worry if you have to come straight from work - you're welcome to change in our private changing area.


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