Physiotherapy at Physical Edge

An expert physio team here to work with sports injuries, support pain relief and improve performance


Both sport and everyday life can put a heavy strain on your body. Physiotherapy is a manual therapy designed to restore the normal movement and function of your body - no matter what you've put it through.

A physio session might focus on a specific sporting injury. Then again, it might focus on discomfort that's caused by something more mundane - perhaps the way you sit at your desk, the fact you spend a lot of time on your feet, or even the discomfort of a poor sleeping posture.

At Physical Edge, our physiotherapists are members of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and the Health & Care Professions Council.

We pride ourselves on great service - working quickly and precisely to treat injuries and transform the way you move and feel. After your consultation, we will put together a treatment plan that we're confident will make you feel better, quickly.



Physiotherapy for back pain

Back pain is something that affects the majority of people at some stage in their life. As such, the best physiotherapists are also back pain specialists - with a deep understanding of these debilitating issues.

At Physical Edge, we have a solid track record of delivering effective treatment for all types of back pain, including:

  • Non-specific lower back pain - where no known medical cause or condition exists

  • Sciatic pain - issues relating to pressure from your back on the sciatic nerve

  • Degenerative disc disease and the complications it can cause

  • Spinal stenosis - a narrowing of the space around your spinal cord that causes pressure and pain

  • Post-operative back pain - where physio is used as rehabilitation after surgery

Physiotherapy for neck pain and shoulder pain

Physiotherapy is now considered to be the starting point for virtually all neck and shoulder issues.

After careful consultation and assessment, the Physical Edge physiotherapy team will begin work on a series of techniques that are designed specifically around the pain and symptoms you are facing.

Our approach is designed to

  • Reduce pain and stiffness

  • Strengthen your neck, shoulders, and the supporting muscles

  • Improve your range of movement

  • Develop an ongoing strategy to improve posture and prevent pain from returning

Physiotherapy for sports injuries

We have a systematic approach to dealing with sports injuries with physiotherapy. We will consider your unique issue, the explore strengthening exercises, mobilisation techniques, pain relief strategies, and function skills development to help you work towards an enhanced level of performance.

We will use our expertise to put together a detailed rehabilitation process with personal goals - then monitor your progress as you work through your sessions.

Our sports injury services aren't just for use by professional athletes - whether your sporting injury has been picked up in the gym, playing sports in the park, or in professional competitions - we're confident our approach will take you back to your previous level of fitness and make you more resilient to injury moving forward.

Physio for occupational injuries and general discomfort

Some of the most serious pain and discomfort we treat comes as a result of everyday stresses and strains that people put their bodies through.

It's important not to underestimate the severity of these seemingly insignificant issues. Whether you've noticed aches and pains from spending time at a desk, noticed discomfort when you're walking, or just started to feel cautious when bending or picking things up - these kinds of issues generally will not get better without treatment.

Our team of chartered physiotherapists are extremely knowledgeable when it comes to the occupations issues that come with day-to-day life - and we also understand the lasting problems that can occur if they're not addressed.



What conditions can physiotherapy services help with?

Physio can help with a huge range of issues - many of which would traditionally be dealt with through the prescription of pain medicine.

Instead, our Central London physios will use proven hands-on therapies to help with:

  • Shoulder pain

  • Back pain

  • Neck pain

  • Ankle pain

  • Knee pain

  • Tennis elbow

  • Running injuries

Of course, this isn't an exhaustive list. Virtually all musculoskeletal conditions can benefit from physiotherapy - and by making sure you leave your sessions with improved knowledge of your injury, we'll help to make sure the possibility of future issues is minimised.

Outstanding therapists in a private physiotherapy setting

Physiotherapy in London comes in a huge range of shapes and sizes. Sometimes, your nearest clinic will be a shared therapy space - other times; physios will work from their own home studio. The standard of facilities can vary enormously.

At Physical Edge, you can expect the very best. Immaculate private physiotherapy space in an easy-to-access Central London location.

Our team focuses on and strives for exceptionally high standards at all times - from the service you receive to the equipment and surroundings. In addition, every physiotherapist at Physical Edge is accredited to the highest standard and carries the appropriate professional insurance cover - for absolute peace of mind.

What sets us apart from other private physiotherapy clinics?

There are some world-class physiotherapy clinics here in London - so we work hard to provide a service that sets us apart. Very few clinics can offer the same holistic approach to dealing with pain and discomfort that you'll receive here at Physical Edge.

Physiotherapy is just one of the services we offer. We also have sports massage therapists, osteopathy services - and a partner that offers an incredible range of gym-based injury rehabilitation approaches.

We work this way so nothing can stand in the way of your injury recovery. If you've paid for a number of physio sessions and your specialist thinks osteopathy or strength training might be a beneficial next step - you're welcome to switch your sessions - zero hassle.

The choice is yours of course - but if you do decide to explore different holistic approaches to support your recovery, you'll be working with the same exceptional team, able to communicate and coordinate in seconds.



What happens at a Physical Edge physiotherapy assessment?

Whether we're dealing with private patients or referrals from medical insurance companies, our client-focused approach to your first session with us is always the same.

Firstly, we'll work around your schedule. We work before, during, and after standard work day times - and if that doesn't work for you, we can arrange a weekend appointment. Sometimes we can even accommodate same day appointments.

When you arrive with us, your consultation will take place in a comfortable treatment room. We'll talk about your issue then discuss a plan that we think will take you towards being pain free.

Ordinarily, a treatment plan will involve a series of sessions - but we'll talk to you when you're here about if that's appropriate. We'll also explain how you can book these in advance - and the discounts available when you do.

We'll usually be able to begin your treatment during your first session - so it's useful if you can come in some comfortable, loose-fitting sports clothing. Don't worry if you have to come straight from work - you're welcome to change in our private changing area.


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